titles Archives

The Marvel Monsoon Versus The DC Drought
Marvel Legacy is on the horizon now, and, with it, Marvel is promising fewer titles and a return of the classic heroes This seems unsurprising as their attempts to add new heroes and diversify their cast has been met with fan outcries, and their shipments to stores in North America have taken a drop The[...]
Concern Over Titan's UK Reprints Of DC Comics Titles
There is increasing concern regarding Titan Magazines' UK reprints of DC Comics titles, which sell in British newsagents and comic shops alike Usually taking a number of issues and packaging them up in a 60-100 page volume, with a number of ongoing strips It's a model that Marvel UK/Panini developed in the seventies and has continued in[...]
Matt Smith's Face Appears In Doctor Who Titles
Better late than never. From the titles of tonight's Doctor Who Matt Smith's face in the, frankly, rather bonkers new title sequence We thought it might be indicative of other aspects from early Doctior Who And from tonight's episode, it looks like that's bang on the money. I'll write a Ten Thoughts tomorrow But why not send[...]
The Doctor Who Titles Are Getting Darker… (VIDEO)
And now the titles themselves are getting darker, week by week… [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNaLVAHXJzk&[/youtube] "Hey Who turned out the lights? Hey Who turned out the lights? Hey…." Flickering lightbulbs that may indicate the coming of Weeping Angels No one knowing who the Doctor is anymore A Doctor prepared, nay, willing to kill in cold blood[...]
Doctor Who Title To Regenerate With Every Episode
Last night, at the BFI screening of the first episode of Doctor Who Series Seven, the crowd were treated to a new looking Doctor Who logo in the titles of Asylum Of The Daleks Based on the same font, it's black with silver studs, looking all Dalek-y Something special for the season opener? Not a bit[...]