ticketleap Archives

A Techie Explains Just What Happened With San Diego Comic Con 2011 Ticket Sales (Or Lack Of)
Specifically, we did the following: Introduced an administrative "High Volume Mode" for events that allows TicketLeap to lock event data into cache This includes data such as: event title/description/etc, ticket type title/description/etc No need to fetch this data from the database unless needed. Optimized all queries throughout the checkout process reducing joins, reducing subqueries,[...]
33,000,000 Hits In One Day
When San Diego Comic Con sold a thousand tickets online in a test last December, they received half a million hits as people tried desperately to buy tickets. Yesterday, they got thirty three million hits. And that is the reason that TicketLeap were unable to cope Despite having the ability to increase servers based on load, and[...]
The Day San Diego Comic Con Brought TicketLeap To Its Knees (UPDATE)
They bit the bullet and signed up with TicketLeap, a professional company used to dealing with the biggest demand for the biggest events in the world. Three minutes in and the site crashed. And as people around the world keep clicking their F5 button to see the green screen of death, it's becoming clear that San Diego[...]
SDCC Tickets Part 4: Chaos After 30 Minutes?
Just minutes after SDCC Ticket Purchases opened for the fourth time — after 2 high-profile, server melting failures, and a limited test run that was supposed to pave the way for success today, twitter errupted with countless angry #sdcc-tagged messages of yet more initial problems — while the company processing the transactions, Ticketleap, says that[...]