Scooby Doo and Kiss Archives

SDCC '15: Scooby Doo! And KISS: Rock And Roll Mystery Premiere Impressions
I was at the world premiere of Scooby Doo and Kiss: A Rock and Roll Mystery ("SDKRRM") NO SPOILERS Except that the main villain would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those meddling kids. Whether it be Simpsons and Futurama or Jetsons and Flintstones, everybody loves a good crossover[...]
SDCC '15: Scooby Doo! And KISS: An Interview With Kevin Shinick
So a few of those extra growls and grunts are pure demon. WR: Did Kiss Meets the Phantom of the Park influence the writing of Scooby Doo and KISS, a Rock and Roll Mystery? Would you consider SDKRRM a spiritual sequel?  Should I rewatch that made for TV masterpiece to pick up on any easter eggs[...]