peter capaldi Archives

Doctor Who TV Movie Producer Reveals Awful Rejected TV Series Pitch
Emotions are everything, not convoluted world-building with nonsense made-up names. So the 1996 Doctor Who series died so the current version of the show could happen, giving us the Christoper Eccleston, David Tennant, Matt Smith, John Hurt, Peter Capaldi and Jodie Whittaker Doctors, the new companions, the Weeping Angels, and the seminal new stories We should[...]
Peter Capaldi, Pearl Mackie, and Matt Lucas in Doctor Who (Image: BBC)
But if anyone's expecting Peter Capaldi to make a return? Well, it sounds like you can stop waiting because it's not going to happen Speaking with SFX Magazine, Capaldi expressed his concerns that having too many Doctors dilutes the importance of each individual Doctor "It's very hard to imagine how you'd get a decent crack[...]
The Devil Hour: What if Capaldi’s Doctor Who Cosplayed as Hannibal?
Wait – doesn't this look more like a stealth Doctor Who story? Have you ever wondered what it would look like if Peter Capaldi's Twelfth Doctor cosplayed as Hannibal Lecter? Well, wonder no more. "The Devil's Hour" key art from Prime Video The Devil's Hour features Jessica Raine as Lucy, a tormented woman – for every main[...]
Doctor Who: BBC Releases Compilation Video of Dalek Exterminations
Davies' first season, written by Robert Shearman, slaughtering a whole army, the 11th Doctor (Peter Capaldi), Missy (Michelle Gomez) and Clara (Jenna Coleman) in the craftiest fake-out and stand-off against the whole Dalek army from Steven Moffat's run, and Rory's (Arthur Darvill) narrow escape from an awakening army of Daleks… which isn't really any extermination[...]
Doctor Who: Only Three Times The Doctor Met Another Doctor?
His final story, "Twice Upon a Time," with the Twelfth Doctor (Peter Capaldi) and the First Doctor (David Bradley), also offered his final meditation on the nature of the Doctor and the ability to regenerate and live multiple lifetimes in the finest Buddhist parable ever seen on television. The first crossover in the new era was[...]
doctor who
We can now add Twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi's name to that ever-growing list, praising not only Ncuti's casting but also the "great story" he brings to the conversation "What a great story – a little boy whose family escaped from the genocide in Rwanda in 1994 and at age two, finds refuge in Scotland, where he[...]
Steven Moffat Updates Inside Man/David Tennant; New Peter Capaldi Show
Former Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat has two more new shows in the works, reuniting him with former doctors David Tennant and Peter Capaldi One is Inside Man, an upcoming BBC crime thriller with Tennant, Stanley Tucci, Lydia West, and Dolly Wells The other is The Devil's Hour, a thriller starring Capaldi. Image: BBC/BBC America The BBC[...]
Doctor Who: Doctor and Clara Video Reveals Moffat’s Grandest Themes
It's showrunner Steven Moffat and the Twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi's penultimate season, and companion Jenna Coleman's final season The video reveals that the season featured some of the show's finest Science Fiction stories and revealed Moffat's grandest themes in the show. "Doctor Who Series 9" image: BBC By his second season, Capaldi was starting to settle into[...]
Doctor Who: A Supercut of Peter Capaldi’s 1st Season
And now, a supercut of Season 8 of Doctor Who, the Twelfth Doctor's (Peter Capaldi) first season New Doctor, new feel, new season-long theme, and arc That's the beauty of Doctor Who – the basic premise of the show remains the same, but each new Doctor and cast let the showrunner make a completely new[...]
Doctor Who: Season 10 Supercut Reminds Us of When the Show was Good
This week, it's a supercut of the 10th series of the new show, the Twelfth Doctor's (Peter Capaldi) final series. Image: BBC This was the Twelfth Doctor's best season, a "return to basics" approach that showrunner Steven Moffat took after the convoluted and flawed previous two series Season 8, was a failed experiment where Moffat made the[...]
time traveler's
Iberti and director David Nutter, who has directed many episodes of The X-Files and Game of Thrones. Of course, Moffat had previously lifted liberally from the nonlinear love story of The Time Traveler's Wife during his time on Doctor Who, starting with his episode "The Girl in the Fireplace" and then with River Song's (Alex Kingston)[...]
Doctor Who: Eve of the Daleks Lets Creepy Guy Off the Hook, Win Girl
All her T-shirts had a rainbow on it, and that's not an accident. Whittaker's Doctor feels like we barely know her because there were never any stories or key moments that truly revealed her core the way Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant, Matt Smith, even John Hurt, and Peter Capaldi's Doctors did[...]
Doctor Who: The Husbands of River Song is Moffat’s Funniest Special
The beauty of Doctor Who is it's a flexible enough format to do any genre, and "The Husbands of River Song" lets Moffat indulge his jones for romantic and screwball comedy. can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: The Husbands of River Song: Highlights | Doctor Who ( The Doctor (Peter Capaldi) finds himself in a[...]
Doctor Who: Last Christmas is Steven Moffat’s Best Christmas Special
"Last Christmas" is Moffat's first Christmas special featuring the Twelfth Doctor (Peter Capaldi) and might be his best. "Doctor Who: Last Christmas" key art, BBC Doctor Who: Last Christmas is the other 20-minute compilation video the BBC released on their YouTube channel in the run-up to Christmas That's better than the new clip videos still trying to[...]
doctor who
In this case, the spotlight shines on The 12th Doctor Peter Capaldi In case you hadn't heard, Capaldi is releasing his first solo album, St Christopher, so to help promote it he took part in a one-on-one with The Guardian to discuss his life, career & musical influences Of course, the man who had the[...]
Doctor Who: Compilation of Historical Episodes at their Most Fun
There's the 12th Doctor (Peter Capaldi) insisting on a dick-swinging contest with Robin Hood in the middle of a legendary chapter in the legend of Robin Hood There's the 11th Doctor turning the question of whether or not to kill Hitler into slapstick farce There's the 13th Doctor posing as a witch hunter and having[...]
Doctor Who: BBC Releases Video of The Best of Clara Oswald
Moffat tried to make Clara a character after the Impossible Girl arc ended by giving her a life as a schoolteacher and her doomed relationship with Danny Pink (Samuel Anderson) but it never really felt real, like a series of TV drama tropes tacked on to Doctor Who. Then in her final season – and the[...]
The Suicide Squad: A New Poster, 2 Clips, and 4 HQ Images
And Peter Capaldi's Thinker contains such multitudes, jumping from a man of serious scientific research to hedonism to utter self-survival, that it's easy to see him as one who has equivocated away any morality to continue the legacy of the Nazis in Corto Maltese into the present day (and also, love that flashback) But, given[...]
The Suicide Squad: 3 New Images and 1 New Behind-The-Scenes Image
As we wind closer to the release to the much-anticipated DCEU entry from James Gunn with The Suicide Squad, the director took to Instagram to show off a still featuring four of his stars featuring the Ratcatcher 2 (Daniela Melchior), The Thinker (Peter Capaldi), Bloodsport (Idris Elba), and Polka Dot Man (David Dashmalchian) "Squad Undercover[...]
Doctor Who: The Next Doctors Should be Women
HBO Max is the US home for all the episodes of the revived show from the 2005 episodes to the present, and its spinoffs Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures. Image: BBC What's odd here is that it focuses on the last three doctors: Matt Smith, Peter Capaldi, and Jodie Whittaker No mention of Christopher Eccleston or[...]
Missy Meets The Third Doctor And The First Master In New Doctor Who
And the Twelfth Doctor, as portrayed by Peter Capaldi, is set to join them too Time to check out the round things. Missy Meets The Third Doctor And The First Master In New Doctor Who Missy Meets The Third Doctor And The First Master In New Doctor Who Missy Meets The Third Doctor And The First Master In[...]
Doctor Who star Jodie Whittaker offers a message for 2021. (Image: BBC screencap)
The 21st Century Doctors were even more modern archetypes: Christopher Eccleston was the Doctor as a no-nonsense Northerner; David Tennant was the sexy geek smart-aleck; Matt Smith as the geek with an old man's soul; Peter Capaldi as cranky woke granddad Think of the different archetypes and personality types there are out there for a[...]
River Denied Her Kiss In Doctor Who: The Husbands Of River Song
Yesterday saw a tweetalong viewing of Doctor Who: The Husbands Of River Song written by Steven Moffat, directed by Douglas MacKinnon, starring Peter Capaldi as The Doctor and Alex Kingston as River Song, with the hashtag #HelloSweetie During which, comic book creator and Doctor Who storyboarder Mike Collins provided the storyboards for the final scenes[...]
Regenerating in "Doctor Who", BBC Studios
This was at least touched upon back in 1974 when a Tibetan abbot who was a Time Lord (played by a white actor with a cod-Asian accent… the show has had its moments of racism and cultural appropriation that warrants a separate article for another time) oversaw the 3rd Doctor's (Jon Pertwee) regeneration and reassured[...]
Jodie Whittaker & David Tennant: Doctors Stick Together
Whittaker's 13th Doctor is every kid's fantasy big sister or favorite babysitter. All 13 Doctors were on the poll and 12th Doctor Peter Capaldi actually came third, followed by 11th Doctor Matt Smith at no 4 Tom Baker came in 5th place, making him the favorite old school Doctor from the old show 1st Doctor William[...]
In Celebration of The 12th Doctor
Peter Capaldi doesn't get enough respect In the modern incarnation of The Doctor, there's a definite fan consensus around the love for David Tennant and Matt Smith, with Jodie Whittaker gaining a larger and growing fanbase And Christopher Eccleston has his fans, too– he was, after all, the first in this reboot Don't get me[...]
James Gunn Reveals New Logo For The Suicide Squad For His Birthday
Th cast includes Viola Davis as Amanda Waller, Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, Jai Courtney as Captain Boomerang, Joel Kinnaman as Rick Flagg, David Dastmalchian as Polka-Dot Man, Steve Agee as King Shark, Daniela Melchior as Ratcatcher 2, John Cena as Peacemaker, Flula Borg as Javelin , Nathan Fillion as T.D.K., Mayling Ng as Mongal, Pete Davidson as Blackguard, Sean Gunn as Weasel, Joaquin Cosio, Juan Diego Botto, Storm[...]
Tom Baker in Doctor Who: "The Deadly Assassin", BBC
This is why the Gallifreyans have referred to him as the President all the way to the modern show in Steven Moffat and Peter Capaldi's run. "The Deadly Assassin": Old School Pulp in Timelord Clothing The story starts out riffing on the Kennedy Assassination, then rips off The Most Dangerous Game by having the Doctor (Tom Baker)[...]
James Gunn Reveals New Logo For The Suicide Squad For His Birthday
Of course, rumored to be in the cast and the roles that they have been linked to include Viola Davis as Amanda Waller, Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, Jai Courtney as Captain Boomerang, Joel Kinnaman as Rick Flagg, David Dastmalchian as Polka-Dot Man, Steve Agee as King Shark, Daniela Melchior as Ratcatcher, John Cena as[...]