matt letscher Archives

Which Eobard Thawne Is Matt Letscher Playing On Legends Of Tomorrow?
Actor Matt Letscher told We are going to find out shortly on Legends of Tomorrow just how this Eobard links into the Eobard from The Flash, where he's coming from, and more importantly, where he's going to after this. I'm starting to think I'm going to need a white board to keep track of all the[...]
A Cocky Barry Allen Confronts Eobard Thawne
The Flash returns tonight to kick off its third season with a variation on the Flashpoint storyline created when Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) goes back in time and saves his mother from Reverse-Flash (Matt Letscher) But the ramifications are great and we get a hint of that as we see Barry talking with Eobard Thawne[...]