marvel Archives

Nate Grey is a Master Retconner in Next Week's Age of X-Man: Marvelous X-Men #1
Ok, we all know that Nate Grey has created an entire alternate universe where the X-Men have achieved the dream of Charles Xavier, becoming respected leaders of society on Earth, and creating the Age of X-Man event featuring six mini-series sure to boost Marvel's sales the next few months along with X-Man's ego To do[...]
Finally, Angel Punisher Comes to Marvel Unlimited
Back in 1998, Marvel, known as the House of Ideas, had one of its best ideas ever And by best, we mean probably the worst idea ever, at least the worst until Secret Empire retconned Steve Rogers into a Nazi Of course we're talking about Angel Punisher, the changing of the Punisher from a gun-toting[...]
Cyclops is Dead Again in Next Week's Uncanny X-Men #11… Wait, What?!
Marvel makes a regular habit of killing off its characters in shocking death issues only to resurrect them in equally-shocking and even more marketable return issues a short time later, only to kill them off again in a never-ending cycle of sales-boosting comic book industry excess But even so, it's still surprising that they would[...]
Marvel Celebrates International Women's Day with Champions #3 Variant
Marvel Comics revealed plans Thursday to celebrate International Women's Day in the most appropriate way possible: with a variant cover Okay, maybe there are technically more appropriate ways, but variant covers are one of three Marvel solutions to everything, and since there's already an unrelated super-mega-crossover event in the works and you can't simply reboot[...]
"The Great One" Brian Bendis Lures Marvel's Kris Anka to DC's Young Justice
The Great One took to Instagram to gloat about his success, and drop a big reveal: Kris Anka, who will end his run as interior artist of Runaways with February's Runaways #18, will be joining the team, providing a Tim Drake sequence for Young Justice #5. View this post on Instagram. Anka confirmed the news on Twitter: I[...]
Marvel's Jordan White on #XMenMonday: "What is This Plug Called?
For the second week in a row, Marvel X-Editor Jordan White has flaunted #XMenMonday tradition by refusing to tweet previews of upcoming X-Men comics White, who has repeatedly skipped the sacred holiday, instead using his platform to promote his career as a musical recording artist or to tweet about the band Ween Though White has[...]
Unfortunately immediately after that the studio suits dumped the writers that had turned out a critically acclaimed film and fell over themselves to run right back off the rails with The Wolverine. Where Fox continues to stay far behind in Marvel's better entries' dust stems from two challenges that they seem to be unaware that they[...]
Read on… Sworn to sell comics for Marvel executives who feared and hated the fact that Fox owned their movie rights, The Uncanny X-Men suffered great indignities, but with a corporate merger on the way, the X-Men can finally get back to doing what they do best: being objectively the best franchise in all of comics. Uncanny X-Men Annual #1 (W) Ed[...]
Deadpool Goes Hard R in Next Week's Spider-Man/Deadpool #45
But R-Ratings aren't something Marvel Comics usually go for, except in rare cases After all, amongst all the fully grown adults (sorry, Bill Maher) that make up the majority of comics readership, there's a small chance a child might get their hands on one of these things, and we have to think of the children,[...]
Choking Out Continuity in Next Week's Marvel Knights Finale
But over in Marvel Knights 20th, Daredevil is also trapped in a world where all of the heroes have forgotten who they are How can Daredevil be in two places at the same time? It's Marvel They don't have to explain it. Nor do they need to explain how Daredevil has gone from barely able to walk[...]
Marvel's Spider-Man
If you believe the latest rumor going around online, it sounds like Insomniac Games is already planning a sequel to the 2018 hit game Marvel's Spider-Man The rumors sparked yesterday when this tweet went out from the game's creative director, Bryan Intihar, making fun of the fact that he's currently pitching story ideas for a new game. Few[...]
Embiggening Gone Wrong in Next Week's Journey Into Unknown Worlds #1
Marvel is celebrating its 80th-anniversary with a series of one-shots commemorating classic series of a bygone era, and next week sees the release of Journey Into Unknown Worlds, presenting some science fiction stories in the classic Marvel manner One of those stories, shown in the preview below, features an alien infection that causes a person's[...]
What Kind of Prison Can Hold Steve Rogers in Next Week's Captain America #7?
Enter former Hydra leader Baron Von Strucker, who has apparently gotten into the private prison business… Okay, fine, maybe you can put Cap in prison…but what are you gonna do when the funding runs out during the next government shutdown? Captain America #7 hits stores next Wednesday. Captain America #7 (W) Ta-Nehisi Coates (A) Adam Kubert (CA) Alex Ross "FUGITIVE"[...]
Famous Last Words Uttered in West Coast Avengers #7
It's a very Bendis week at Marvel Comics next week In a preview of next week's Black Panther vs Deadpool, we see the Black Panther possibly die from hitting his head on a rock, just as he did in The Great One's Age of Ultron event And now in this preview of next week's West[...]
Is This How Black Panther Dies? Again?! Next Week's Black Panther vs. Deadpool #4
How will Marvel write its way out of this one without "The Great One" around anymore? Find out when Black Panther vs Deadpool #4 hits stores next Wednesday. Black Panther vs Deadpool #4 (of 5) (W) Daniel Kibblesmith (A) Ricardo Lopez Ortiz (CA) Ryan Benjamin, Rain Beredo INTRODUCING…PANTHER-POOL! (YES, REALLY!) A classic Marvel team-up gone terribly wrong! Who could have[...]
You Can't Kill Dario Agger Before War of the Realms in Next Week's Weapon H Finale
Marvel has a longstanding tradition of killing off characters to show readers how serious their super-mega-crossover events are With War of the Realms coming up soon, and promised to be Marvel's biggest super-mega-crossover event ever, we can be sure that someone is biting the proverbial bullet to boost sales, or more probably multiple someones. But could[...]
False Advertising in Next Week's Man Without Fear #5
Man Without Fear is a five-issue weekly mini-series meant to carry the Daredevil franchise through January as Marvel preps a big reboot The premise is simple Daredevil, utterly broken by the cancellation of his Netflix show, heads to a hospital to recover and show why he is known as the titular Man Without Fear. But as[...]
Nate Grey Leans Heavily on Nostalgia in Next Week's Age of X-Man Alpha
Next week, the Age of X-Man kicks off in the aptly titled Age of X-Man Alpha special from Marvel Comics In Uncanny X-Men #10, Nate Grey, the titular X-Man, vanished himself and all of the X-Men to an alternate universe, a utopia where mutants are beloved instead of hated and feared It's kind of a[...]
Next Week's Doctor Strange #10 Offers Another Metaphor for the Comics Industry
Marvel, we get one metaphor for the comic book industry But next week's issue of Doctor Strange offers another one Comic book publishing is a tricky business, with publishers like Marvel trying to come up with new stories for characters who have been around for decades It's hard to come up with new ideas while[...]
Geraldine Viswanathan Responds to 'Ms. Marvel' Fan Casting
Thats' kind of what happened recently with Geraldine Viswanathan, and the social media campaign to get her cast as Marvel Studios' possible upcoming Ms Marvel. Geraldine ViswanathanPhoto by Kathy Hutchins / Back in May of 2018, Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige confirmed there were plans to bring Kamala Khan Ms Marvel into the MCU at some point post-Captain Marvel: Captain[...]