malibu Archives

Why Did Marvel Really Buy Ultraverse And Why Won't They Publish It Now?
I also repeated the old story about Marvel originally buying Malibu and the Ultraverse for their colouring department, and that Marvel's reluctance to use the Ultraverse in any fashion was down But maybe not When the late James Hudnall said as much in an article referred to in the Comic Beat in 2013, the comments[...]
Valiant Effort: Like This? You'll Like That – X-O Manowar, Archer & Armstrong Edition
By Jared Cornelius In the summer of 2012 Valiant Comics returned from the grave, they rose not as shambling zombie, but as a glorious phoenix, but I didn't know that.  At the time I had turned my nose up at X-O Manowar and Bloodshot, I scoffed at the idea that the 90's were back and expected another round of Malibu or Awesome Comics.  But last year on a whim I decided to[...]
VIDEO: Todd McFarlane, Rob Liefeld And Marc Silvestri On Leaving Marvel Comics
As part of the upcoming Image Revolution documentary from Sequart, a clip of the Image founders on leaving Marvel Comics for their new upstart Image Comics over at Malibu. [youtube][/youtube] As part of the upcoming Image Revolution documentary from Sequart, a clip of the Image founders on leaving Marvel Comics for their new upstart Image Comics[...]
Malibu Comics – A Look Back at 20 Years of Independent Innovation
Havoc ensued. Well, that's sort of what happened, if you told the story stone drunk. Actually, because Malibu Comics, then Malibu Graphics, (or what is Malibu Inc or might have been Eternity Comics – anyway…) had no money, the small group of soldiers worked out of Dave Olbrich's home nestled in the hills of Southern California[...]
Marvel And Malibu – What's Five Percent Between Friends
I cannot tel you much about it at all, but I can tell you that it's not about that 5% thing. Would you be privy to the agreement? I thought it was before your time. I was around at Marvel when the Malibu acquisition happened And even outside of that, I have access to our legal department[...]
Steve Englehart – How 5% Doomed The Ultraverse
In a podcast interview from Alt3red Egos with Steve Engelhart, describing his career in comics, he talked openly about his work on the Ultraverse for Malibu – and what happened when Marvel bought the company and closed down the comics line. Englehart says that in 2004, Tom Brevoort approached him to integrate the Ultraverse into the Marvel[...]
Jim Starlin's Breed III To Be Published By Image
At the Detroit Fanfare convention at the weekend, I'm told that Jim Starlin made an announcement to fans that the final Breed series has found a publisher, Image Comics. The first two series of Breed were originally published by Malibu back in 1994 and 1995 But then a little thing called boom and bust happened in[...]