lee bermejo Archives

Sneak Peek: Lee Bermejo's Suiciders
A quick look at Lee Bermejo's upcoming Vertigo comic, Suiciders… courtesy of his rather wonderful blog. A quick look at Lee Bermejo's upcoming Vertigo comic, Suiciders… courtesy of his rather wonderful blog. A quick look at Lee Bermejo's upcoming Vertigo comic, Suiciders… courtesy of his rather wonderful blog. A quick look at Lee Bermejo's upcoming[...]
Swipe File: Indiana National Guard Vs Lee Bermejo's Lex Luthor
Here's the cover to Lex Luthor by Lee Bermejo, already ripped off by the British Rob Granito. And here is an ad for the Indiana National Guard, which traces the original… Real heroes don't wear capes But they do use lightboxes, apparently Anyone going to call Sergeant Joshua Meyers? Swipe File we present two or more images that[...]
The Before Watchmen Reviews Are In. From Some People.
Bermejo's usually angelic visuals capture the grit and grime of this story. Is Azzarello capturing the sheer essence of Moore's Rorschach, or is he simply playing with the audience by attempting to shock them as much as possible? MTV: Lee Bermejo's "Rorschach" was publication-ready in simply the pencils, continuing the high bar set by him in books[...]
Lee Bermejo's Eternal Warrior And David Aja's Rai
First there's Lee Bermejo's rendition of Eternal Warrior, another previous Valiant character, to be published later this year Though these pieces are just pin-ups/costume designs from Lee, he won't be drawing the ongoing series.  And if you look at those facial scars, then check X-O Manowar yesterday, you may see the seeds to that comic already[...]
DC Puts Before Watchmen On Previews Cover With Just One Word
Which will have all the Before Watchmen titles listed, including Rorschach by Brian Azzarello and Lee Bermejo. Should save on the art cost, at least. Oh and here's the front cover, featuring Brian Wood and Kristian Donaldson's Massive for Dark Horse Comics. There are few examples of one single word suggesting one specific comic book character[...]
A New DC Comic From Azzarello And Bermejo
Attending the largest comic book convention in the world, Angoulême in France, Brian Azzarello told French website MDCU that he is working on a new book for DC comics with Lee Bermejo, who he collaborated with on the Joker and Lex Luthor original graphic novels. When asked if the lead character was a villain or a[...]
Lee Bermejo Vs Lex Luthor's Lies
"From The Joker hardcover" Bleeding Cool understands that creator Lee Bermejo has called for the latest Italian print run of the recent Lex Luthor: Man of Steel collection to be withdrawn from sale. He told Comicus that he wrote a biography for himself for The Joker that quoted Daniel Day Lewis in the movie There Will Be[...]
Now Lee Bermejo Writes And Draws A Batman Original Graphic Novel
Well Lee Bermejo, who drew the best-selling Joker original graphic novel written by Brian Azzarello, has taken advantage of this and seized the writing reins for Batman: Noel, a new original graphic novel with a Christmassy theme. This was announced at ComicsPro, to an audience of comics retailers, who made a wodge of cash from Joker[...]