kickstarter Archives

An Ancient, Haunting, And Beautiful World Of Magog
Steve is currently illustrating Monsterwood – a three part epic – with writer Jason Rosen – which is currently fundraising on Kickstarter I took some time to talk to Steve about the project and it's inspiration. David Gallaher: First of all, Steve, congratulations on the recent Harvey nomination for The Only Living Boy. Steve Ellis: Thank you[...]
Johnny Canuck: The Return of a Lost Golden Age Hero!
So you're using Kickstarter to print the collected series? RRA: Absolutely! Right here! It's the best way to share with the world a character that's lost 70 years of publicity And it's also a good way to maintain control of the book, and get it to the right people. RRQ: When does the Kickstarter end? RRA: The last[...]
Solitary: A Comic Book Series
And it will be published, in November, by Devil's Due. You might be wondering, I already saw this on Bleeding Cool, didn't I? Well, yes you did ( ). But here's the thing: I'm doing the Kickstarter to pay my art team My interior artist, Nando Souzamotta, is doing killer work And this is his first book![...]
Stillborn: The First Zombie
launch Kickstarter Project, July 4th – Aug 3rd, 2014. Indie comic book, Stillborn: The First Zombie, follows the most primary member of the undead, a monster that can think, speak and command those that he has infected, a Master of the Dead Stillborn's first TPB, The Trap, follows a group of construction workers into an old[...]
Odd Couple – The Comic, The Movie?
By Louis Oddball Have you noticed a lot of super hero movies at the multiplex over the past few years, or is
Watson & Holmes – After The Eisners
I can honestly say ours will be the most true to Arthur Conan Doyle's version than any other versions of the past 50 years, while still being unique to the Watson and Holmes series. Part of the problem of being a self-publisher is getting the financing for projects, and that's where Kickstarter comes in.  As a backer[...]
I Want Comics To Make Me Laugh
I'd love to get this book out into the market this year, so myself and artist Eduardo Jimenez are raising some funds on Kickstarter to expedite the process If you've enjoyed silly comics like D4VE, Knuckleheads, Edison Rex, or Scud: The Disposable Assassin, I invite…nay, URGE you to visit our campaign, read the first seven[...]
XCT Conquers Australia: Prepares For World Domination
How do you measure it? Is it the amount of sales you make? The joy you bring to others? How much you earn? When someone tells you that you have done a great job? Well for me, the creator of Xtreme Champion Tournament (XCT), it was hitting my first goal. Earlier this year I was lucky enough to[...]
The Golden Age of Manliness: Reprinting Brok Windsor With Kickstarter
All of that is set to change very soon though because Hope Nicholson, a professional researcher and comic book historian, just launched her Kickstarter campaign to bring Brok Windsor back to bookshelves where he belongs. And Nicholson is just the person for the job A producer specializing in comic book history, she was recently the associate[...]
Reading The Book Of Dragons Again
The goal is to bring them back to public consciousness; April's adaptation does so, and is just the tip of the iceberg of more to come. To back the project and get a copy of this great, new collection, visit the Kickstarter at As a special incentive, we have a $99 Bleeding Cool level for backers[...]
Bee And Puppycat Get Comic-Con Panel
Internet animation sensation slash Boom Studios comic, had a panel on Thursday evening of Comic Con. First off, if you don't know what Bee and Puppycat is, the best way to explain it is by having you watch it. [youtube][/youtube] It started off as a pilot on Youtube about a year ago, then there was a successful Kickstarter[...]
High-Fantasy Comic Springs To Life On Kickstarter
We are truly in love with the story we are telling, and hope you will be to.   We are currently running a Kickstarter for the first volume of Amya, which will include the last five years of our production work We would be eternally grateful if you would have a look If you decide to make[...]
Comic Books Need A Revolution
Sean Michael Wilson writes, As the British Library comics exhibition is titled 'Art and Anarchy' I thought that I would write an article about how anarchy
When Things Got Naked At Locust Moon Comics Signing On Friday
Then we got 'em drunk & naked. Dean Haspiel, when I asked him to comment on his horrendous acts of peer-pressuring other comics creators into nudity in public said: "Comix don't sell themselves anymore". Need we remind you that Locust Moon is the same esteemed team who are bringing us Little Nemo: Dream Another Dream, with a[...]
Long Road Home Is Happening Now
Seasoned pros have turned to Kickstarter over traditional publishers The financial reward is often better and it allows 100% creative control I have run one failed campaign of my own, but I have also been a part of 3 successful ones as the main artist, and numerous others as a contributing artist Kickstarter campaigns have[...]
Caliber Comics' Gary Reed Kickstarts Storyville Graphic Novel
By Gary Reed It's amazing how the perception of Kickstarter has changed since it first started.  When I first started hearing about it, I was like many in that I felt it was people asking for money to do what they wanted to do.  It was a handout. But as Kickstarter became more of a norm, I[...]
Grindhouse Zombie Comic Mashup!
Hence, the crowdfunding approach via Kickstarter! Our rewards range from two physical copies of UTF (2 variant covers), Bronze Age Retro 80's art, original prints from guest artists, hand-drawn sketches, flesher likenesses for backers, backer business ads featured as abandoned buildings, and even becoming immortalized in UTF as a recurring character We are also throwing in two[...]
The Terrible Old Micro-Budget
Lovecraft Screenplay/Director/Producer Ryan Smith Kickstarter End Date: August 13, 2014 Publishing date: July 14, 2014 Ryan Smith writes, I'm Ryan Smith, the producer that has taken HP Lovecraft's short story, The Terrible Old Man and turned it into a modernized short film of the same name Principle photography and initial editing are complete, and the only thing[...]
Metal: A Black Dawn
Metal: A Black Dawn by Jacob Thomas and Rob Dumo. Kickstarter Close Date:  08/22/2014. Publication Date….Unknown Pharmaceutical drugs dominate the near future dystopian society One scientist, Thomas Parker, invents a new yet controversial technology that not only cures cancer but becomes society's worst nightmare. Jacob Thomas writes, MABD has been a year in the making, needlessly attempting to perfect every little bit[...]
Kymera Press Invades The Boys Club
Lynn Smith. Artist: Amelia Woo. Color: Mirana Reveier. Letterer: Jessica Jimerson. Close Date: July 8. Publication Date: November 2015 Be a part of the Kickstarter campaign for Kymera Press' women-created comic Gates of Midnight This supernatural thriller pits Raven, a combat medic recently returned from Afghanistan, against the mythological gods and monsters of mankind's ancient cultures.  By Autumn Daughetee When I think of[...]
Let's Make A Comic Book In 48 Hours, With Reddit
Now, why are we doing this? THE REASON We're launching a Kickstarter campaign to fund issue #1 of our necropunk comic book, "The Projectionist", and we thought let's do something big, stupid, and fun to promote this thing. THE PROJECTIONIST "The Projectionist" takes place in a world where ghosts exist and everyone knows it A world where the The[...]
Why Valerie D'Orazio And Bobby Timony Are Horror Lovers
They describe the comic as, a love-letter to the types of slapstick movies, humor comics and grade-B horror movies the creators loved as a child: the frenetic antics of the Marx Brothers, beloved and bizarre 1950s MAD parodies by Harvey Kurtzman, and preposterous and brilliant creature-features by Roger Corman and Ed Wood. The first issue features an[...]
Wouldn't You Want A Massive Archive Of P. Craig Russell's Sketches?
Craig Russell has moved through five volumes of graphic storytelling instructional video projects that are going to produce an entire generation of super-trained and probably frighteningly versatile artists any day now, but until then, there's also his Sketchbook Archives at over 250 pages of personally chosen work for fans. The Kickstarter for the volume is very[...]
Dave Cockrum's Futurians Return. So?
When the Futurians Return Kickstarter was announced, there was nary a professional unwilling to help re-establish the long-lost gem Neal Adams, Neil Gaiman, Walt Simonson, Andy Kubert, Adam Kubert… And the parade continues at the Kickstarter, which began ten days ago and saw full-funding in just 36 hours But don't let that stop you from participating[...]
Out Of Anime Expo: Mighty No. 9 Gets A Cartoon…And More Funding?
9, spiritual successor to Mega Man and holder of one of the largest video game Kickstarters ever Inafune had much to talk about, including the fact that Tokyo-based company Digital Frontier is planning to release a CGI cartoon based on the game in 2016 They gave a small preview of the cartoon, as well as[...]