jurassic park 4 Archives

Jurassic Park IV Will Introduce A Scary New Beastie To The Franchise
To be in 2013 and discussing the upcoming release of Jurassic Park IV seems utterly insane, but also pretty damn exciting. With the original film about to see its theatrical 3D re-release, interviews abound and so we're hearing about the arrival of a brand new beast – probably a dinosaur, but who knows? – getting set to star[...]
Continuity Is The Devil In Jurassic Park 4 – Saturday Trending Topics
Remember that time Matt Fraction said "Continuity is the Devil" at ECCC and we ended up having a big argument about it in the forum? I think this little tidbit about Jurassic Park 4 is a rather interesting illustration of the point. Most-Read Comic Stories Of Saturday: Axel Alonso Announces Marvel Now Wave Two, A Weekly What If And[...]
Steven Spielberg And Mark Protosevich Brainstorming Ideas For Jurassic Park 4
Caveat in place, let's make way for Jurassic Park 4! Wahey, dinosaurs and that! The Hollywood Reporter has uncovered some meetings going on between Steven Spielberg and Mark Protosevich, in which the director and writer are kicking around some early ideas for another installment in the Jurassic Park franchise A sequel has been on the back[...]