joe glass Archives

Tales From The Four-Color Closet: Thoughtbubble On LGBTQ
By Joe Glass A little while ago, I wrote one of my Tales from the Four-Color Closet about the large number of LGBTQ representation and panels at SDCC, and how it seemed there was nowhere near as much, if any, in the UK cons. Well, it would seem that someone agreed with me and has decided to[...]
Tales Of The Four-Colour Closet: San Diego Comic Con And Representation
By Joe Glass One thing that maybe isn't reported as much about San Diego Comic-Con is its incredible range of diverse representation. Panels on Women in Comics are becoming a growing norm of comic cons around the world, with most that I have personally attended having at least one such panel and I've heard of such panels[...]
Comics for Your Indie Cred: The Pride #3 On ComiXology Today
Author Joe Glass continues to offer his unique British (actually Welsh) wit necessary to keeping such serious subject matter not only readable but enjoyable His unapologetic references and humor refuse to hide from stereotypes like other gay superhero comics but finds ways to embrace them equally along with the compelling, game-changing backstories and depth hiding[...]
Comedy, Horror, And A Detective Chimp New On ComiXology
Stiffs #1 (written by Joe Glass, PJ Montgomery, and Drew Davies with art by Gavin Mitchell) is a British horror comedy title that right off the bat reminds you of another certain British horror comedy, Shaun Of The Dead Written with the same wit and charm as that film, the book drops us right into[...]
Raising Money for Comics – Funding your Dream Projects With A Pinch Of Salt
By Joe Glass These days, there are increasingly more and more ways to raise money for the production of comics and related merchandise. The most common, which a great many creators, both big and small, use are the various crowdfunding sites Kickstarter, Indiegogo, Crowdfunder, to name but a few; each offers its own features and benefits to[...]
Support The Pride – The LGBTQLA (UPDATE)
work before they blow up super-huge and let me know what you thought of the books in the forums. Written by Bleeding Cool contributor, creator of The Pride and co-writer of Stiffs, Joe Glass. Bleeding Cool writer Joseph Glass writes: I've been working on my labour of love, The Pride, for some time now. It's been long and[...]