Joe Badon Archives

Love, Sacrifice, Forgiveness And Kaiju
Joe Badon writes for Bleeding Cool: I  would  like  to  talk  about  a  love  letter  that  I'm  writing  It's  in  the  form  of  comic  book   that  I'm  currently  running  a  Kickstarter  campaign  for. The  book  is  entitled  TERRA  KAIJU[...]
Comics As Jazz – Or How I Stopped Worrying And Started Coloring Outside The Lines
Joe Baden writes for Bleeding Cool: "Why don't you stand up and introduce yourself?" "Um, okay… Hello everyone… my name is Joe Badon and I've been a full-time freelance comic artist for the past 4 years." Peabody! Set the wayback machine for about 2009. Stepping out of seven years of full time ministry and stepping into the unknown world[...]