film Archives

Captain America 3 Screenwriters Address Changing Who Holds The Shield
In an interview with SFX magazine, Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, screenwriters of Captain America: The Winter Soldier talked about both the recent film and the upcoming third installment which they are currently working on. Asked if it was a conscious effort to make the film a political thriller or if it just happened naturally, Markus said: I think[...]
When Marvel Tried To Make An Inhumans Movie 14 Years Ago
Marvel cannot make films or TV shows of the X-Men properties, as the rights were bought by Fox during Marvel's term in bankruptcy, as were the rights to the Fantastic Four. But they can make films starring The Inhumans, Or at least, they can now… But in the year 2000, they couldn't Dave Elliott tells me that[...]
October 17th Is Going To Be A Very Busy Weekend In The Theaters
The thought is the studio hopes to give the Brad Pitt, Shia LeBeouf and Logan Lerman film a longer playtime over awards season. The move adds one more to the already crowded weekend that includes Universal's Dracula Untold with Luke Evans, Fox Searchlight's Birdman with Michael Keaton, Open Road Films' Nightcrawler with Jake Gyllenhaal, Relativity's The[...]