dvd Archives

VIDEO: A Quick Look Behind The Scenes Of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
Out now on DVD and Blu-ray in the UK is Tomas Alfredson's remarkable adaptation of John Le Carre's Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy It's a very cinematic film, with striking and often very complex frames, so I imagine that you would like to watch it on the best screen and sound system you can muster, but[...]
Neverwhere Map From New DVD Collection, As Posed With By Neil Gaiman
For the 25th Anniversary of the Neverwhere TV Series written by Neil Gaiman, the BBC are producing a new DVD box set Which includes, amongst other things, a map And here is the map, showing locations as a logo for the series As posed with by Neil Gaiman Thank you, Neil. For the 25th Anniversary[...]
Kind Hearts And Coronets – Deliciously Callous Comedy
The restored Blu-ray and DVD follows on 5th September. "The most sensational criminal endeavour of the [20th] century" remains one of its most deliciously callous comedies If there's more to nobility than kind hearts, there's more to vintage Ealing comedy and its enduring vitality than nostalgia; it's the attitude that sells it. Ealing, in its heyday,[...]
Mini-Glitch: Walking Dead DVD Box Set 75% Off At $10
It only came out a month ago. But Amazon.com are suddenly taking orders for the first season of Walking Dead on DVD, down from the box price of $39.99 to just $9.99. Blimey That's low How long before they realise their mistake? And how many copies will be ordered before then? It only came out a month[...]
Look! It Moves! by Adi Tantimedh #88: Nice Girls Don't Explode
It never came out on DVD except maybe in Germany It's so obscure that the only images I could find for it were the three you see here. It's not a movie that's going to go down in history or change Cinema as We Know It, but the fact that it exists is testament[...]
Disney's Cinderella To Go Head to Head with Kate Middleton
Now, thanks to Disney, you can spend that long holiday weekend at the end of April flicking between Westminster Abbey on the TV and the DVD of Cinderella. Disney tends to release its classic animations in DVD spurts, strictly limited in duration The current film being allowed out of the vault is Bambi (I can't help[...]
The Anglophile DVD Recommendation List For The Holidays
Basically a list of cool British TV DVDs of stuff, the majority of which is not available in the US normally, or if they are, in in a diluted form What with Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up, consider this a handy dandy way to be cooler than your friends and get in on something early. Anyone[...]
Na'Vi Made Up Of D'VDs
Laura Hadland has created a Na'Vi mosaic made up of 4,000 Blu-ray discs for her film fanatic husband, and with a little helping hand from the PR people for the the release of Avatar Collector's Edition on DVD and Blu Ray. There's a Michel Gondry music video waiting to happen. At the London Film[...]
Britain To Get Exclusive, Special, Shorter, Not-Quite-As-Good Watchmen on Blu-Ray
Basically the theatrical cut and the extras from the two-disc DVD. Of course the extras are different from the US version Each version will have exclusive content –  and neither country would expect anything less But, you know, isn't the main film the real attraction? Ah well, one for people in the UK with multi-region Blu Ray[...]