Daniel Merlin Goodbrey Archives

A Creator Experiments With Electricomics – Peter Hogan In The Bleeding Cool Interview
It's still been a very interesting and worthwhile experiment, and it's good to get experimental from time to time. To read the previous interviews in this series, you can find them here: Cracking The Tower Of Babel To Make Electricomics – Leah Moore In The Bleeding Cool Interview At Thought Bubble Empowering Creators Through Electricomics – Mitch Jenkins[...]
Bleeding Cool's 31 Best Interviews Of 2014
I'd like to thank those who engaged in interviews this year on Bleeding Cool again for sharing their perspective and wisdom with us, and with our readers. Here are some of the highlights from the interviews of 2014 from myself, Rich Johnston, Dan Wickline, Adi Tantimedh, Alex Wilson, Nikolai Fomich, and Jeremy Konrad: With Fred Van Lente:[...]