Cory Levine Archives

Take An Advance Look At Bowery Boys: Our Fathers From Dark Horse Out This Week
The content feels fresh, the art style is magnetic, and you just can't put it down! Well, yes, that's the experience I had when I picked up Bowery Boys: Our Fathers, from Dark Horse Comics, written by Cory Levine, with art by Brent McKee Except this volume is actually collected from a critically acclaimed web[...]
Critically Acclaimed Web Series, Bowery Boys Will Be Collected In Hardcover
The stunning collection will contain the first five seasons of the web series, written by Cory Levine, with art by Ian Bertram (Detective Comics, Batman Eternal) and Brent McKee (Outlaw Territory) Bowery Boys: Our Fathers is a coming-of-age tale set in New York City Main character, immigrant Nikolaus McGovern rallies a crew of his friends,[...]