consequences Archives

Did Cyclops Have A Peek At The Floor Of NYCC?
From today's AVX: Consequences, with Cyclops getting used to being a terrorist in a normal prison And having serious balancing issues with that mutant power degrading helmet Say, does the power inhibitor-by-pain collar also work on his mutant power of calculating angles? No one seems to remember that one. But it does seem as if Cyclops[...]
Marvel Launches Avengers Arena In The Manner Of Battle Royale
And it looks like it may be a little bloody, as Arcade takes a bunch of kids to Murderworld… As does the finally revealed cover to AVX: Consequences… which as also rather a spoiler, albeit it an expected one, the Avengers Vs X-Men #12 Someone break open the lobotomy knife!   I really hope it's better than[...]
Kieron Gillen's Avengers Vs X-Men: Consequences
A week or so ago, I heard mention of a new big X-Men book with a different creative team each week, first issue written by Kieron Gillen, the second by Jason Aaron, but I wasn't sure enough on the source, so I put it on the back burner. Well, this is possibly what it was referring[...]