comic con Archives

Image Comics Publisher Eric Stephenson's Keynote Speech To Image Expo
Here is Eric Stephenson's keynote address to Image Expo, yesterday, held before San Diego Comic Con As ever, we look forward to hearing more from Eric at Bleeding Cool very soon… "The only rules are the ones we create." – Warren Ellis Every time I start writing one of these presentations, I share my initial draft with[...]
Grant Morrison To Return To Spawn? We'll Find Out Very Shortly
It's true, Bleeding Cool has been very light on Image Comics rumour mongering ahead of San Diego Comic Con Those who work on creator owned books are often far better at keeping their information close to their chests With Image Expo about to happen at the show, we are expecting lots of announcements and surprising[...]
Comic-Con Entrance Line From 1983 – Boy How Things Have Changed
With Comic Con International… or San Diego Comic Con… starting today, we've got this great photo from 31 years ago Taken by actor/writer/photographer Pete Salisbury, this is a shot out front of the convention opening day I'm fairly certain that the line is a little bit more crowded this year. Here's the line to get into[...]