captain america Archives

Our First Look At The New Young Steve Rogers, For Captain America's 75th Anniversary
Captain America: Sam Wilson #7 out this month is an 80 page 75th anniversary comic book for Captain America… with the finale to Avengers Standoff by Nick Spencer and Daniel Acuna… featuring a rejuvenated Steve Rogers again Transformed by the sentient cosmic cube Kobik? Since World War II, someone has always been there to don the red, white[...]
Gentle Giant To Release Statues Based On Skottie Young's Art
Each statue will run roughly $65 and the first three will be Thanos, Iron Man and Captain America. The Thanos statue can be pre-ordered here And Iron Man here Captain America doesn't have a page yet. [Source: Facebook] Gentle Giant has released images of their upcoming statues based on the animated style[...]
When The Falcon Talked To Birds In Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Courtesy of Anthony Mackie on The Daily Show and Captain America: The Winter Soldier – this was, apparently, The Falcon calling off his attack birds from gutting Captain America and the Black Widow… can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: When The Falcon Talks To Birds In Captain America The Winter Soldier (   [...]
Now Anyone Can Be The Black Panther (Aged 4-6)
Ahead of the new Captain America: Civil War movie, here's a look at some of the merchandise being created for kids alongside it. It must have been an interesting conversation in the design agency. "Black Panther is a black character, isn't it racist to have a white kid modelling it on the packaging?" "Isn't it more racist to imply[...]
Here Is The Captain America: Civil War Superbowl Trailer
Here is the Captain America: Civil War Superbowl trailer Lots of new footage, but no huge new revelations Short, perhaps sweet? Still, nice to see it is coming along It really isn't that long until we get to the film now, with less than four months until it graces cinemas That's come around quick!   Take a look: can't[...]
Assault On Pleasant Hill Tops Advance Reorders
The Power Rangers, the launch of Worst X-Man Ever, Dark Knight III and the second issue of Faith after the launch of the first… TOP 25 ADVANCE REORDER COMICS/GRAPHIC NOVELS/TPs Publication Price Publisher AVENGERS STANDOFF ASSAULT ON PLEASANT HILL ALPHA #1 ASO $4.99 MAR MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS #0 (2ND PTG) $3.99 BOO WALKING DEAD TP VOL 25 NO TURNING BACK (MR) $14.99 IMA PAPER GIRLS TP VOL 01 $9.99 IMA DEADPOOL[...]
Marvel's Free Comic Book Day Covers Shed More Light On Civil War II Spoilers
Be there for the opening shots of CIVIL WAR II as Brian Michael Bendis and Jim Cheung give you the first taste of the conflict that will ignite the Marvel Universe later this year! Plus, this issue also features the highly anticipated debut of the All-New Wasp! Be there as she makes her debut, courtesy[...]
Steve Rogers Will Be Captain America In The Comics Again, By Nick Spencer And Jesuz Saiz
Towards the end of the Captain America 75 Years Special on ABC tonight, it was announced that Steve Rogers would be returning as Captain America in the comics. A new Steve Rogers: Captain America #1 by Nick Spencer and Jesus Saiz Re-aged back to his usual looks. And new shield shaped more like the original. Because Sam Wilson still has his current[...]
New Promo For Captain America Special
ABC has released a TV promo for next Tuesday that starts with a plug for the Captain America: 75 Heroic Years special and then for the second season debut of Marvel's Agent Carter. Captain America: 75 Heroic Years airs Tuesday January 19th at 8 PM on ABC and followed right after by the two-hour premiere of[...]
Cover Stories: Dark Designs, Fried Pies And Portland Prettiness
Can you read a book by its cover? These people hope so! The new cover for the upcoming novel Captain America: Dark Designs by Stefan Petrucha from Marvel Comics. Here are the retailer exclusive Fried Pie covers for Spider-Man #1 by Khoi Pham… …and Deadpool & The Mercs For Money #1 by Reilly Brown. An exclusive show variant cover for Doctor Who:[...]
The Latest Teens React Showcases Captain America: Civil War
There is a new Teens React video and this time the kids watch and react to the Captain America: Civil War trailer In this particular case I think the Q&A section is where the really good stuff is as the interviewers ask questions like which side the kids would be on and then would that[...]
The Winter Soldier Gets The Marvel 101 Treatement
The character has take on the role of Captain America for a while, lead his own comic and was a major part of the cinematic universe in both Captain America: The Winter Soldier and the upcoming Captain America: Civil War. If you are only familiar with the private turned programmed assassin through the films, Marvel has[...]
Captain America 75th Anniversary Special To Air On ABC
In celebration of Captain America's 75th Anniversary, ABC will be airing a special event on January 19th at 8 PM just prior to the Season 2 debut of Marvel's Agent Carter. The one-hour special will look at the history of the character from 1941 until now and feature guest from both the comic and live action[...]
Wizard World Switches Walking Dead For Civil War At New Orleans Comic Con
For the last few years, Wizard World Comic Cons the country over have given away copies of The Walking Dead #1 with specially commissioned covers by guest artists at the shows. Well, with Wizard World New Orleans Comic Con running from January 8th to 10th, it's all change, for a Michael Golden cover of Civil War[...]
The Origin Of A Female Black Captain America In Spider-Gwen
In the first issue of Spider-Gwen, we met that dimension's version of Captain America, a young black woman running with the shield But what is her story? Well, thankfully Spider-Gwen #2 gives you exactly that at the back….   A world in which more than one recruit for the super soldier program were gathered…[...]
Marvel's What The…? Halloween Special
A good plan if it wasn't for Captain America mistaking him for his (not-so) long lost sidekick Bucky. [youtube][/youtube] Marvel's latest episode of What The…? is their Halloween special as MODOK comes up with a plan to infiltrate Avengers Tower by having Gremlin dress as a trick-or-treater A good plan if it wasn't for Captain America[...]
A Comic Show – Fascist Batman And Socialist Captain America can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: A Comic Show 10.28.15: Fascist Batman & Socialist Captain America! ( Aaron Haaland of A Comic Shop in Florida writes, Hey Fandom! I didn't record a video last week because about half of my new comic were shorted[...]
Captain America – On The Side Of Snowden And Manning This Time?
Back in 2011, I wrote a piece about he Steve Rogers Captain America being written by Nick Spencer as vehemently opposed to the allegoricalised actions of Julian Assange and the soldier then known as Bradley Manning.  He had lots of speeches to make.     But the Wikileaks allegory was clear. As was the Manning one[...]
'Conservatives, The New Enemy' – Fox & Friends On Sam Wilson: Captain America can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Fox & Friends: Captain America is targeting conservatives ( We mentioned this might be a thing last week… Fox & Friends have jumped on. can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Fox & Friends: Captain America is targeting conservatives ( We mentioned this might be a thing last[...]