brian bolland Archives

Brian Bolland Begins A Blog
Brian Bolland has started his own blog Where he is showing off upcoming Judge Dredd covers like these… But then also showing off how he creates the work digitally… Jump on here. Brian Bolland has started his own blog Where he is showing off upcoming Judge Dredd covers like these… But then also showing off how he creates[...]
Swipe File: ROD Vs Brian Bolland, Mike Deodato And Friends…
When I bumped into Brian Bolland at the opening of the new Gosh Comics in London, we reminisced about the Erro swiping of his work, and how Bolland was actually able to visit the work in question in France and then confront Erro. Well, Brian, how are your sea legs? The French artist known as ROD has[...]
Garth Ennis – When 2000AD Was The Future
A glance at the roster of talent involved is enough to take the breath away, and it should be remembered that a whole generation of readers was able to pick up almost any given issue and see a dozen of these guys at their very best. So thank you: Pat Mills, John Wagner, Gerry Finley-Day, Alan[...]
Review: Actress And The Bishop #1 by Brian Bolland  From Desperado Comics
Some may expect that from the meticulous designs of Brian Bolland, but this all reprints And it was meant to come out in December, I think But hey. The phrase "said the actress to the bishop" is an earlier, more eloquent version of "that's what she said" in an age when actress was basically a euphemism[...]