Comics Archives

Amazing Spider-Man #800: Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells His Story [Spoilers]
Amazing Spider-Man #800 was a comic with many epilogues and still an issue to come. But people lived, people died, people came close to dying, in the final 80-page battle between Peter Parker, Spider-Man and Norman Osborn and Carnage, the Red Goblin, across New York (though avoiding the X-Men in Central Park).
Review – Lexcalibur: Useful Poetry for Adventurers Above and Below the World
The talent of Penny Arcade's Jerry Holkins and Mike Krahulik is pretty undeniable as the two have built a nice geeky empire in the northwest that has spread across the globe and into modern culture. From their webcomic to PAX events to Acquisitions Incorporated, everything they do has a pretty great appeal. So when we got word of a new book they created called Lexcalibur: Useful Poetry for Adventurers Above and Below the World, we had to take a peek inside and see what new creation they had made.