Rich Johnston Archives

Chicken Outfitted
"Chicken Outfit : The Comic "by Joe Deagnon & Kirby Stasyna. "Kickstarter Close Date: May 2. "Publish Date Issue #3: Oct 31". Joe Deagnon writes The
A Message To America
Super: Issue 3. Creators: Joshua Crowther (Writer), Bruno Chiroleu (Artist), Josh Burcham (Colorist), Chas! Pangburn (Letterer), Steven Forbes
An Exciting Idea To Change the World
Written by Scott Amundson Everyone who reads comics wants to make comics. And, they should! You would be surprised how controversial this opinion is to
Tintin, The Opera
It's been a comic. A TV series. A movie. A piggy bank. A Monopoly board. And now Tintin is to be an opera. An opera. Based on the Tintin comic The