Dan Wickline Archives

Everything Wrong With I Am Legend
I almost forgot about the movie I Am Legend. Based on the Richard Matheson 1954 novel of the same name, it's actually the third time it was adapted. The
Rogue One Trailer Sabotaged
Someone must've really liked the use of Sabotage from the Beastie Boys in Star Trek Beyond. Because here we have the latest Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Ash Vs Evil Dead Vs High Expectation
23 years ago I went to the theater and saw Army of Darkness with my girlfriend. She was a horror film fan... I'm not... and it was her turn to pick. I
Finding A New Frank N. Furter
There should be a list of movies that under no circumstances should anyone try to reboot / re imagine them. And on that list you should find the Rocky
Free On Bleeding Cool – Smosh #1
Dynamite has sent us a digital copy of Smosh #1 by Michael McDermott, Yale Stewart and Franco Viglino to share with our readers. All four issues of the