spider-man: city at war Archives

Spider-Man: City at War #6 [Preview]
The conclusion to Spider-Man: City at War is in stores this week from Marvel Comics, by Dennis Hopeless (sorry dude, name change rejected) and Michele Bandini, based on the PS4 Marvel's Spider-Man video game. The recap page fills us in on what's been going on, with a deadly Devil's Beath virus sweeping through New York City,[...]
What if Your Comic Book Had a HUD? Spider-Man: City at War #1 Preview
Spider-Man: City at War is a much-needed additional Spider-Comic in this abysmal wasteland of not nearly enough Spider-Man comics It's also a comic based on a video game based on a comic, part of one of our favorite comics strategies, the snake eating its own tail To tie it closely together with its video-game roots,[...]