scott Archives

Check Our Scott, Jean and Logan's Living Quaeters
Maybe this is just the new normal on the mutant island. At the end of House Of X #6, with the instruction to Make More Mutants, we got a big alcohol-fuelled party. With Logan, Jean and Scott… And Scott, Jean and Emma And now in X-Men #1 we get to see the Summers' living arrangements With Jean and[...]
Plenty Of Straight Jean Grey In Today's All-New X-Men
for that you will have to wait until October's Uncanny X-Men #600. Though we do get confirmation of Jean Grey's heterosexual relationship with Scott Summers, Cyclops. Sorry, sorry, but they do this on purpose I'm sure. Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London, who will be hosting Mike Carey this Satiurday for a signing and delivering a commentary for[...]