mcmlondon Archives

Marvel mCM
Follow along with our MCMLondon tag for this and many other new stories being announced today. We also got a much bigger look at Iron Man 2020 First a series of covers by Superlog that mirror the face-reveal covers by Barry Windsor-Smith, from the original Machine Man series that introduced Arno Stark and Iron Man 2020. They are[...]
Marvel mCM
Follow along with our MCMLondon tag for this and many other new stories being announced today. And that includes a new Ant-Man series Ant-Man: World Hive launching in February by Zeb Wells and Dylan Burnett. More still spilling out…   Lots of big news announced by David Gabriel of Marvel Comics at London MCM Comic Con 2019's[...]
Marvel mCM
Follow along with our MCMLondon tag for this and many other new stories being announced today. Such as Marvel Anthology, a new six-issue series co-written and curated by Alex Ross, with the first issue drawn by him as well And bringing in his own favourite artists for the subsequent five issues, within a framing story by[...]
Marvel mCM
Follow along with our MCMLondon tag for this and many other new stories being announced today. And that includes Spider-Man Noir, fresh from Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse and co-created by David Hine, getting his own series starting in March from Margaret Stohl and Juan Ferreyra. Here's a little look ahead.   Lots of big news announced by David[...]