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How To Enjoy The BBC's Good Omens By Neil Gaiman And Terry Pratchett
Last night at 11pm, BBC Radio 4 broadcast the first two parts of their adaptation of Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett's novel Good Omens, starring Peter Serafinowicz and Mark Heap. Naturally everyone was a) tucked up in bed b) out on the lash c) living in another country. But if you would like to enjoy both episodes in[...]
Sean Phillips Draws More Of BBC's Adaptation Of Gaiman And Pratchett's Good Omens
Neil Gaiman introducing Good Omens… Jim Norton as Death… Peter Serafinowicz and Mark Heap as Crowley and Azirophale, Charlotte Richie as Anathema Device, Colin Morgan as Newton Pulsifer, Harry Lloyd as Pollution, And Paterson Joseph as Famine. We ran a batch of lovely images before But here are the final three episodes of BBC Radio 4's Good Omens playing over Christmas[...]