hulking Archives

More Hulking & Wiccan From Marvel by Josh Trujillo & tokitokororo
Today sees the publication of Hulking & Wiccan #1, the print version of the Marvel Unlimited Infinity comic book by Josh Trujillo, Jodi Nishijima and Matt Milla from last November The four-part webtoon comic ha been collected into one print comic, and timed for publication with Pride Month, featuring husband and husband Skrull/Kree Emperor Billy[...]
Wakanda, Wiccan And Hulklking Join Marvel Comics' Last Annihilation
The Last Annhiliation event from the Guardians Of The Galaxy side of Marvel Comics concludes in September and, courtesy of Marvel's September 2021 solicitations, we learn that it will have two one-shots, The Last Annihilation: Wakanda by Evan Narcisse and German Peralta, and The Last Annihilation: Wiccan And Hulking by Anthony Olivera and Jan Bazaldua[...]
What Will Empyre: Avengers Aftermath Mean For Billy and Teddy?
And with Hulking, Teddy, caressing someone What if it is no longer Billy? Marvel does love a silhouette And just as Empyre #0 had an Avengers and a Fantastic Four version, will Empyre: Aftermath Avengers #1 be accompanied by an Empyre: Aftermath Fantastic Four #1 cover also with silhouettes, revealed later today, written by Dan Slott?[...]
Will Hulking Unite The Kree and Skrull for Marvel's Empyre?
Which we interpreted as Hulking, a superhero of both Kree and Skrull heritage, holding a sword aloft and looking a bit like Conan. While Diabolik looks down on them all One will unite them? One will unite the Skrull and the Kree? Into, perhaps, an Empyre? Good to know that typos are cosmic. Created by Allan Heinberg and Jim Cheung in Young[...]
Does Marvel Comics #1000 Suggest a Wedding of Wiccan and Hulkling?
It looks, from all accounts, to be a wedding dinner. But whose? Could it be that of Wiccan and Hulking, married in subtext? Might we see more of such an occasion, in a future Young Avengers? They have both been appearing in Death's Head together And the incoming Incoming from Marvel for Christmas week suggests a[...]
Kieron Gillen Talks Young Avengers, Indeed, It's Difficult To Get Him To Stop.
Possibly to screaming THERE IS A SERIAL KILLER IN YOUR HOUSE at the book, or the local equivalent. Both should be wondering what the hell Loki is really up to, which is exactly how I want it. Hulking Teddy is Billy's boyfriend. Obviously, vice versa is true as well Teddy is Billy's boyfriend They're going out[...]
Friday Runaround – More Insidious Than Syphilis No More!
In this unseemly scrabble for respectability and an historic, noble pedigree it is, for instance, fashionable to observe that comics have their origins in the sequential strip-like hieroglyphics which record the reigns of ancient Egypt's pharaohs. What could be a better indicator of the medium's cultural worth than its ability to faithfully report the legendary acts[...]