Heretics Archives

What connects Blood Moon to The Department Of Truth?
Hereticswas a folk-horror series set in 1999 that we described to people as what it would look like if Rob Zombie had directed The Wicker Man. I'm working on a new series now that's free to read online, Blood Moon – What Cost Revenge?, created with John Pearson, Aditya Bidikar, and former Bleeding Cool EIC Hannah-Means[...]
P M Buchan Explores The Contemporary Femme Fatale
The book, La Belle Dame Sans Merci tells a love story of two lost souls damned to hell and is based on the John Keats poem of the same name. Buchan, the co-creator of Heretics from 44Flood, looks at this series as a contemporary exploration of the concept of the femme fatale. Now that we're approaching the end[...]