gene hackman Archives

Superman Star Gene Hackman Pays Tribute to Director Richard Donner
As the last surviving core cast member of the Christopher Reeve-starred Superman franchise, Gene Hackman played his arch-nemesis Lex Luthor for three of the four films The now-retired actor worked with the late director Richard Donner, who died at the age of 91, on the original 1978 film and the sequel he originally leads before[...]
"Crisis of Infinite Luthors": Some Thoughts on Our Lex List [POSTSCRIPT]
And it gets weirder… and I think a little homoerotic… you guys can suck Gene Hackman's balls — Tom Arnold (@TomArnold) April 6, 2019 Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Flag on the play, sir! I mean, we can all have our differences of opinion here I also somehow feel it might be a wee bit disrespectful to The French Connection's[...]
'Supergirl': Our Top 10 List of "Lexiest" Lex Luthors of All Time (TV/Film)
Superman I, II, IV – Gene Hackman Hackman is the king Only Hackman could keep his hair the whole series of movies and we wouldn't care because we'd still buy him as Lex Luthor.  Only Hackman could be in such terrible garbage as The Quest for Peace and we don't care. Lex Luthor! Ruler of Australia! He[...]