genderfluid Archives

Porcelain, A New Genderfluid Character For DC Comics
@Boarhound Porcelain is in fact genderfluid :) — GAIL SIMONE (@GailSimone) July 16, 2015 It had previously been suggested that Porcelain, a new member of the Secret Six comic from DC Comics written by Gail Simone, was a new transgender character for the DCU. This week's issue made that a little more complex This makes Porcelain better[...]
Singularity Is Marvel's Genderfluid Version Of Superman (SPOILERS)
As a "she". Who are you? Who is anyone? Welcome to the only genderfluid member of A-Force A guess this counts as a first appearance, though collectors may also want to look at the Marvel Previews volume from a few weeks back for this page as her first cameo… Though this issue does end with something a little[...]