Elderwood Academy Archives

D20 To Go: We Review the Elderwood Academy Mini Hex Chest
Every time we get something in the mail to review from Elderwood Academy, our interest perks up just a few extra notches about what we received This time around we got a much smaller box that when we're used to, but what was inside was totally amazing as we get a chance to review their[...]
Vampire: The Masquerade is Making New Gaming Gear With Two Partners
Geek & Sundry showed off some of the new gear being made by Elderwood Academy and Dog Might during their L.A By Night stream, featuring dice boxes, rolling trays, gaming screens, and more all made of hardwood with some of the finest finishes you'll see on gear like this Just looking over all of these gives us goosebumps as[...]
A Place For Everything: We Review an Elderwood Academy Spellbook
A while ago we got the chance to review an Elderwood Academy Chest with the Acquisitions Incorporated logo on the top We were mighty impressed with the look and design of it, so we wanted to see what else the group had in store This time around we're reviewing one of their awesome Spellbook game[...]
Fighting On-Brand Wizards: We Review Elderwood Academy's Hexchest
So when we saw they had tapped Elderwood Academy to make some amazing branded dice gear, we were sold. Prior to this, we had only heard of Elderwood Academy and hadn't had a chance to check out any of their fine products in person So we had to see for ourselves what kind of goods were[...]