drm Archives

ComiXology To Change Everything By Offering DRM-Free Options To Comics Publishers
And Image Comics launched their own download service that completely removed DRM (digital rights management) from the files, allowing people to permanently store comics on their device, share and copy them. How to step up to the challenge? I am hearing rumours from comic publishing partners of ComiXology that the digital distributor is offering major publishers[...]
Thrillbent Offers Direct DRM-Free PDF Downloads
Mark Waid, of Thrillbent has announced the opening of the Thrillbent store, allowing people to pay to download PDF versions of the Thrillbent comics they have been offering for free in CBZ format. And, in a model that seems to echo Bryan K Vaughan and Marcos Martin's Private Eye digital comic, they are DRM-free and, for[...]
The State Of Digital Comics And How Digital And Print Are Friends
Perhaps this is because some people will always want physical copies of comics, especially with variant covers not usually being available for the digital versions, or perhaps because there was a large untapped comic market that digital releases have reached. The other main topic discussed was the use of DRM with digitally distributed comics The main[...]