caracal Archives

Lion Forge Announces New Middle-Grade Series Underfoot at NYCC
Lion Forge has announced a new graphic novel series for its cat-themed middle-grade readers imprint, Caracal Called Underfoot, the series is written by Ben Fisher and Emily S Whitten with art by Michelle Nguyen and is planned to last for three volumes, with the first hitting stores next April. In the press release, Fisher said: Emily and I[...]
Lion Forge Launches Caracal, a New Middle Grade Imprint
The new imprint is called Caracal, which might leave you wondering: what the heck is a Caracal? We're glad you asked, because it gives us an opportunity to break out the skills we learned in comics "journalism" school… *checks Wikipedia* The caracal (Caracal caracal) is a medium-sized wild cat native to Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia,[...]