black af: america's sweetheart Archives

Black AF Widows and Orphans #1 Cover by Tim Smith 3
Black AF: America's Sweetheart was a unique and upbeat superhero tale set in this world with an endlessly charming protagonist Widows and Orphans' strongest quality is the quirky relationship between Anansi and his apprentice Even then, there isn't enough of that in this tale. Tim Smith 3's artwork is strong and fluid once again Kinetic energy[...]
Black AF: America's Sweetheart cover by Sho Murase
With this information out in the open, she becomes Good Girl, America's first superhero. Black AF: America's Sweetheart cover by Sho Murase There's a lot to unpack from this comic It covers a lot of topics and touches on many sensitive subjects. It does it with an optimism and joy that is quite uncanny given the heavier subject[...]