2000 ad Archives

2000AD Vs JMS – Twilight Zones And Future Shocks
I wrote a bunch of done-in-ones for Brave and the Bold so right there it invalidates the point the meme writer is trying to create.I would expect better from 2000 AD than to go around trying to start feuds and fires where none exist by deliberately misstating the situation. Other relevant comments included; Chris Weston Good Future[...]
More On IDW's Rogue Trooper Rebellion
Here's some more detail spinning out of that IDW Judge Dredd/2000 AD panel Remember reading the US reprint versions of the 2000 AD-related material in the late 80s / early 90s and being blown away by the creative greatness and wonderful weirdness of it all?  I'm betting a lot of you do  2000 AD might[...]
The First 1500 Covers Of 2000AD
Thirty year's worth of the British weekly sci-fi comic 2000AD, flash flash flash... Watch as the price sloely creeps up, as the logo switches and switches