Comics Archives

The Art Of A Good San Diego Steak
Aaron Hale writes; It’s kind of a tradition for me that the first night of San Diego Comic Con my wife and I attend preview night then we go out for a
Let's get Grump out of bed
Alex Wilson writes for Bleeding Cool: Beth Sotelo (colorist for Aspen Comics) started a Kickstarter Campaign to help fund her creator owned title, Grump.
Andrew Robinson on The Fifth Beatle
Andrew Robinson, the creator of Dusty Star took on a very different project lately and Nikolai Fomich sat down to talk to him about it on behalf of
The Return Of The Human Fly To Comics
Do you remember The Human Fly? A name used by many stuntmen, in the seventies it was adopted by Rick Rojatt, who inspired a nineteen issue comic series
What Is Marvel's "Registered Gifted"?
On July 19th, Marvel Comics registered trademarks for Age Of Ultron, just before announcing the name of the second Avengers film. On the 16th, Marvel
Kickstart From The Heart – The DMC
Bleeding Cool’s Kickstarter Correspondent, Shawn Demumbrum has lead three Kickstarter campaigns to launch comic books, two successfully funded and one