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Spider-Man & the League of Realms is the Next Spinoff for Marvel's War of the Realms

Marvel is slowly but surely fulfilling their promise to make War of the Realms their biggest-ever super-mega-crossover event, as the publisher has announced yet another spinoff for May, this time starring Spider-Man. War of the Realms: Spider-Man & the League of Realms will be a three-issue mini-series written by Sean Ryan with art by Nico Leon and covers by Ken Lashley, and if you're thinking, "maybe I'll just skip this one tie-in," Marvel wants you to know that this title will feature "a crucial battle that just might change the course of the Universe-wide saga."

Sure, like most super-mega-crossover event tie-ins, it will probably feature nothing too consequential and will be completely forgotten by the end of the year, but can you afford to take that chance? More importantly, can Marvel's sales numbers afford for you not to? Face front, true believer!

From the press release:

Because in order to win the WAR OF THE REALMS, the heroes of the Marvel Multiverse need a League of Realms!

Thor once led this team, comprised of one representative from each fantastical realm, but the League now has a new leader and representative of Midgard: Spider-Man! The web-head must do the unthinkable and lead Screwbeard the Dwarf, Ud the Troll, Ro Bloodroot the Wizard, Sir Ivory Honeyshot the Light Elf, and the Mountain Giant into battle!

The ragtag group has assembled…but who will represent Asgard? And since Spidey is such a terrible leader, does this cross-realm team-up have any chance at survival, let alone success?!

Check out the cover below and look for Spider-Man & the League of Realms in stores in May.

Spider-Man & the League of Realms is the Next Spinoff for Marvel's War of the Realms

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Jude TerrorAbout Jude Terror

A prophecy once said that in the comic book industry's darkest days, a hero would come to lead the people through a plague of overpriced floppies, incentive variant covers, #1 issue reboots, and super-mega-crossover events. Sadly, that prophecy was wrong. Oh, Jude Terror was right. For ten years. About everything. But nobody listened. And so, Jude Terror has moved on to a more important mission: turning Bleeding Cool into a pro wrestling dirt sheet!
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