Rainbow Raider Archives

Flash Villain Or Cupcake… No Seriously
I got one wrong… Names like: Rainbow Raider, Cherry Bomb, Tar Pit, The Turtle and Snowball can kind of go either way and one is both. [youtube]https://youtu.be/MCh9JSItuLE[/youtube] Well, this is just silly… but it's kind of fun too DC All-Access has made up this little trivia video to see if you can guess which names are part[...]
What Were They Thinking? – Rainbow Raider
Recently Geoff Johns lets his feeling about the Rainbow Raider come out, basically saying he will never give the character a chance Well, it almost sounds to me like Mr Johns is saying, "What were they thinking?" The Rainbow Raider is an interesting character in that he is a product of his day He was created[...]