Comics Archives

Aliens Defy Advance Reorder Charts
Greetings from the coal face of the direct comics market. Where retailers try to increase their orders of certain comics ahead of sale. Where supply and
Tickle Me Mickey: Donald Quest #3
In the alternate galaxy of Feudarnia, Mickey Mouse was on his way to deliver the Magneus Malleus, a powerful hammer, to Magicianeer Gyro Gearloose, in
Tom King Talks The Start Of I Am Bane
I Am Bane is a new story arc kicking off with Batman #16 from writer Tom King and artist David Finch. Both were forced to grow up as orphans, fighting
What Say You, Yellow Kid?
Recently a number of you have made your voices heard about being unhappy with Bleeding Cool publishing pieces about politics. I get it. You came here for
Glory And Riches! Donald Quest #4
Honestly, I really like this new world for the Disney characters. Mickey is still trying to save the day for the greater good, and Donald is trying to
Death's Head Is… Canadian Now, Yes?
Death's Head, the cult favourite robot bounty hunter freelance peacekeeping agent returns to Marvel Comics in today's Nova by Jeff Loveness and Ramon K.
CGC Insider #3: Tanning
If you’ve ever visited this site to stare in amazement at a nice high grade copy of Wonder Woman #1 or Superman #2 and wondered how they became known as