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Talking To Anthony Acri. For All The Good It Does Me.

Yesterday I ran a piece about an e-mail a comic book anthology editor had received after she told a submitting creator that she wasn't interested in seeing his completed story. Especially not one page at a time.

She got the response;


Naturally I went looking for more on Anthony Acri. I found his Roman Empire book on AmazonAnd found his blog, consisting of his artwork and his opinions about, well… here is a representative recent sample.

Oh such again as another of your proscriptions, although I could say turning Jonnie Storm into a brother was still irritatingly as close to the never changing blond miss Anne Invisible girl than they like, and of course the munster stayed Jewish. I, more than any anti Kirby anti Stan wonk got a reaction from dc madam editor and got her to ask, as I do so many about the wops, why is the munster Jewish and why does he speak like Leo Gosrey. How wonderful is it to know that thought as alerted to be some about how I wasn't colored enough as an Italian, or had a woman sadly tell me my Tuscan myth about Kemeter, that's Kemeter, couldn't be packed in a book of indigenous myths, that you'd be so open to shepherding by those willing to Jolson it up for fun and profits.

Image (70)His blog goes back to 2006. Not much appears to have changed.

Who ever told you you could work with supermen, bitch…?

The idiot homo who single handedly destroyed superman as a myth, some queen named singer, is adamant that he be allowed to make the second, or is it seventh, sequel to the once great superman film. That as an idea is what is so wrong with America today, and what is the true rust which a strange political correctness is doing to once mighty American steeled towers. Just because you are a fag, dearie, doesn't mean you are Michelangelo, or Virgil, or Caesar for that matter, in the same way that being, marginally Italian doesn't make Gandolfini a great artist of a spokesman for his race. A soprano thug can plaster the name Dante all over his shit hole of a theater, now that his mask wearing is coming to a chiseling and penny pinching end, and that doesn't make him Tasso.

But by then, I had e-mailed him about the current furore with a short-back-and-forth,which went like this:


Rich Johnston: Can you confirm this response is genuine? Is there anything that might give it further context?

Anthony Acri: I dont even have to look at any link. I haven't gone to bleeding cool in months so i didn't respond to anything there, maybe ever. I am sorry about any confusion, but haven't been able or willing to get involved in any postings for a while, not even my own blog or pages as have been dutifully working at comics making. Anthony

RJ: The link was a letter you sent to an editor, in which you talked about her "sh-tty little f-ggy sissy N-gger boy comics" and how she should shove them up her "f-cking ass" and I wondered if you thought that language was at all appropriate, why you chose it, and if there was further context you would like me to be aware of.

AA: Oh and one more thing,…who the f-ck did you think you are bothering me and making me explain anything about this to you, over these hacks and lower level losers, with their broken page and their bullshit anthology crap and badly drawn shit…don't ever bother me again, you or your sh-tty little pompous website , darling, as I have had enough of our valued customers and the rest of that toilet you call comics, sorry graphic novels. these comics hacks are some of the most vile people out there and  their sh-t makes me ill. get lost.

RJ: May I quote you on that?

AA: Only if you keep the Our Valued costumers jab, as I know you comic queers hate that. What really pissed me off, wasn't any non acceptance,  really can take that with grace, as said to other anthologizes its their books, its their dimes, fine. As have had come success getting my stuff hither and yon, was not in not getting it in, but in having to frenetically try to get some two bit dump to get my cartoons to, as if I didn't feel badly enough, as could see the Jesuits in the music of these spheres shaking their head at what Roman Antony was bothering with.


I kept the jab…

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.
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