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Gears Of War Remaster Coming To Xbox One

A little while back, we heard from Black Tusk Studios that there was no Marcus Fenix Collection coming to Xbox One. Turns out that that might be have been a case of semantics.

According to a report by Polygon, only the first game in the series is getting the remaster treatment. This has been corroborated by many other outlets, and Kotaku even got word of a test build making its way out to several consumers. The validity of this build has now been confirmed supposedly by multiple sources. Here is a photo from that.


It looks like the remaster is being handled by Brink developer Splash Damage.

There is no official word on this yet so it isn't "confirmed", confirmed, but there is more than enough evidence to put this one to bed. There has been no mention of a release date yet, mind. One would have to figure it would be in the later half of this year.

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